Abu Dhabi free zone

Abu Dhabi free

Company formation in Abu Dhabi free zone

Emkan corporate services make the process easier while setting up business in Abu Dhabi freezones. This free zone offers high class infrastructure and fastest services. Abu Dhabi is the capital of UAE and the largest emirate. It provides a gateway for the smooth registration of companies in the Emirate. It can provide various benefits to the business like 100% ownership, single-window administration and rise in business opportunities.

Most suitable free zone for company setup in Abu Dhabi

Masdar City

Madras City in Abu Dhabi offers free zone company setup to technological setups, clean technology and renewable energy companies. This free zone is known to be the best offering company registration in UAE. Emkan corporate services assist you to form a company in Madras City.


Twofour54 setup business related to media and advertising companies in Abu Dhabi. It includes national and international media companies. The region develops with office setups and good infrastructure. Twofour54 provides customizable office space, world-class production facilities and services, talent development initiatives and training to business support services.

Emkan corporate services assist you with every stage of business setup in Twofour54.

Khalifa Industrial Zone (KIZAD)

Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi is a hub for manufacturing, logistics and trade and distribution. KIZAD empowers your business with excellent access to markets through a high class transport infrastructure with connectivity by sea, road, air and future rail networks. This zone is termed as one of the fastest growing ports in the world.
Emkan corporate services offer excellent access for setup business in KIZAD.



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